Ursula Schneider
- Site : http://www.pos-architecture.com/
- Adresse : Maria Treu Gasse 3/15 1080 Vienne
Innovative. Sustainable. Climate-optimized. Comfort-optimized. Long-living.
Since the founding in 2000, POS sustainable architecture is occupied with researching and building of sustainable architecture. The holistic approach and integral designing methods helped to develop innovations further and test them in pilot buildings. Our specialties lie in office construction, housing, public buildings, commercial buildings, and revitalization projects. The first high alpine passivhouse, an energy producing office building, the first passivhouse embassy building in tropical climate are examples for an extraordinary Planning-Know-How.
Ursula Schneider is the CEO of POS sustainable architecture
*1961 in Salzburg
married, 4 children: Simon (*1987), Jakob (*1990), Peter (*1992), Daniel (*2000)
Main focus: innovative and applied building research and consulting in the areas of Passivhaus, daylight architecture, plus-energy standard, cradle to cradle, CO²-neutral construction, recyclability, user comfort and building greening
Since 2013 University of Applied Sciences – FH Technikum Wien, lecture “Introduction to Green Building”, member of the planning committee for the bachelor degree programme “Green Building”
Since 2011 Danube University Krems, visiting critic for the degree programme“Future Building Solutions”
2010 - 2013 Technikum Wien, lecture series on solar and sustainable architecture
2009 TU Wien, Institute for building construction 2, lectureship
2008 TU Wien, Institute for urban development, lectureship
2007 Danube University Krems, lectures for the degree prgramme “Daylight Management” and “Real Estate Management”.
Voluntary work:
Since 2015 Member of the advisory board for building quality in Upper Austria
Since 2013 Member of the steering committee, ÖGNI (Austrian Sustainable Building Council)
Since 2013 EU construction 2020 initiative, workgroup “Sustainable Use of Natural Ressources”, sent by the Architects Council of Europe.
Since 2011 Chairwoman of the Committee on Sustainability, architectural association of Austria
Since 2011 Member of the Steering Committee of the ASBC: Austrian Sustainable Building Council
Since 2011 Nominee of the architectural association of Austria to the ACE: Architects Council of Europe, sector Environment and Sustainable Architecture
Since 2006 Member of the Committee on Sustainability, Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Engineering Consultants
Austrian of the year 2011
Mies van der Rohe Award 2011
European Environmental Press Award 2008
Innovation Award "Energiespeicher Beton"
Green Building Award for Highest Innovation
ATGA Facility Award 2009
Solid Building Award
Environment Award of the City of Vienna 2007
Styrian Wooden Architecture Award 2007
Austrian State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability 2006
Environment Award of the City of Vienna 2005
Austrian Solar Prize 2005 "Euro Solar Austria"
Energy Globe Vienna 2005
Ford Environment Award 2004
Cohousing project, JAspern
The community building JAspern is an innovative cohousing project, which is owned, co-designed and managed by its residents.
Special emphasis lies on the quality of living, passivehouse standard, community spaces and alternative mobility. The main design principles are the flexible floor plans, generous private open spaces, good exposure to sunlight even in winter, and the use of recycling materials. The community facilities are exemplary: shared roof with lounge, terrace and urban gardening, in addition to an event-hall with professionally equipped kitchen and a bycicle garage with attached workshop. The project could be realised within the tight financial framework of the ‘Viennese Building Subvention Law‘.