Francesca Serri
- Site : www.q04architecture.squarespace.com
- Adresse : Via Cimabue 8 Firenze 50121 FIRENZE
The passion for architecture began since childhood,when she started learning different art techniques at her family art studio.
Between paint, sculpture and canvas her imagination wove spaces and scenery..
She thus collaborated with other colleagues and designed several projects and patterned her own approach to architectural creativity.
Francesca Serri, has a Master Degree from the University of Florence specializing in Architecture Design. She was a student of Professor Marino Moretti of the University of Florence.
Her degree thesis was about the accelerating urban planning in contemporary China. In order to explain the theme of her work emphasis is placed on the existing relationship between the human psychic dimension, in relation with time and the space of architecture, not only meant as functional living space or recreational points but also as space as created for human needs of finding formal constructive synthesis and forming an ulterior quality which can be defined as the image of constructed reality.
Researcher on the urban and contemporary architectural context, currently works as a freelance architect with a focus on connecting artistic and creative practice with architecture.
Her work refers to the scientific discoveries and Theories of Human Birth of the Italian psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli.
As an independent researcher her work regardimg the humanitarian architecture was recently published in the weekly journal Left. This approach on architectural design is also based on her previous pro bono experience in rural Africa as an architect.
In 2014 she worked in Africa in a Pro Bono project in rural Cameroon. It was the best experience to apply sustainability in its multiple aspects. In those rural.areas affected now by the civil war, at that time without constant electricity and water her team was working very hard to accomplish the project.
A unique experience that conferred to her work a new possible cultutal approach.
In fact people of the village Ndu, sorrounded by corn fields and Eucalypto trees, tool the habit to gather n the evening at the local Cafe also office of the workimg group, Villagers after their day of work, were curious to look at the work in progress of designing and discuss some possible future solutions.. A collective work that included locals and professionals.
Official Letter written by Professor Marino Moretti deceased during 2013
""""I have Known Francesca in my Interior Design Course during the 1998 and have worked closely with her on her last project (graduation thesis).
She distinguished herself to her excellent qualities of designer. Her work has been published on the Italian review L’Arca and on the volume Firenze Expò MMX.
Extremely devoted to work, she puts all herself into the group. Francesca Serri graduated with me as relator at the “Facoltà di Architettura di Firenze”, getting the “ Laurea Magistrale in Architettura”, having the highest marks (110/110), with the Project of “the Italian Pavilion for the International Expò of Shanghai 2010.
Marino Moretti
Architect, Associated Professor of Interior and Exhibit Design """""
Lilyum Beauty
At the request of the client the project had to be inspired by a painting of Gustav Klimt’s “The Tree of Life.”A specific request to stick to the value of the graphic and pictorial famous painting that Klimt created for the Stoclet Palace in Vienna by the Architect Josef Hoffmann in 1905-1909. At this point the research has been to find the strong value, passion of the images represented and without thinking rationally has built an image more intense and unexpected especially after insistent demands to have the final idea. Perhaps the image is broadened by the bond of friendship with the client who knew how to look beyond the screen of normality and asked me to change the space in an unconventional way with respect to the types of existing Beauty salons of beauty and Spa. Resin flooring painted